The Safest Dark Territory Dispatching
System Available
Take short line track control and dispatching to a new level.
TrackAccess is a fully FRA compliant track reservation system from RailSoft Systems. Control your track without a controller, thanks to an advanced system that helps you enhance safety, increase productivity and reduce expenses.
Sets the Standard for Safety
- A study by Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI) proved that TrackAccess is 8 to 16 times safer than current track warrant control (TWC) systems operating with or without computer backup.
- Track Access’ revolutionary “pack your own chute” logic and innovative technology eliminates the need to outsource responsibilities to a third party.
- TrackAccess costs less than 50% of most contract dispatching services, and eliminates the cost of adding to your workforce.
- Includes FRA 228-compliant electronic hours of service reporting at no additional expense.
- Requires no additional technology; no new software or special devices needed.
- Works with or without a controller (dispatcher). Fully FRA compliant.
Enhances Your Productivity
- Eliminates wait time for authorities, bulletins or Form B type protection.
- Bulletin system eliminates midnight deadlines for DOB requests from MOW employees.
- Turn non-control track to control track for roadway worker protection, without a dispatcher or controller.
- Functions with or without a dispatcher—or both.
- Reduces training time up to 80% over TWC system training.
- Works with standard technology already in use, such as cell phones, laptops and tablets.