Easy Software for a Tough Business
As the railroad industry becomes more and more regulated, reliable software systems that include proactive reporting features are essential to centrally manage your safety and compliance data.
Our comprehensive software solutions mimic the way that you naturally do business and are as simple as they are powerful. Even if you’ve never used a computer-based system before, you will find our products easy-to-use and intuitive.
Rail Training & Consulting and RailSoft Systems have developed a line of powerful products to enhance your workflow.
A premiere computer-based training and tracking program. Administer training, centrally manage your company policy and procedure manuals, and maximize job performance—all without having to take your employees off-site for training.
The leading compliance management tool for short line railroads. Over 75% of short line railroad operators rely on InfoRail. Manage FRA regulations compliance and meet internal HR objectives and efficiency testing with ease.
An Hours of Service tracking program. Electronically capture, record, and report all hours of duty time, eliminating hours of tedious hand calculations. Reports available for daily service logs, monthly hours of service records, payroll claims codes, and more.
A one-of-a-kind, virtual track permission program offering FRA and Pueblo tested Safest Dispatching System available. TrackAccess is 10 to 16 times safer than a Track Warrant System and functions with or without a dispatcher.